Tuesday 26 August 2014

The Purpose

class HelloWorldApp { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); // Display the string. }}

For all you non computer scientists, that's basic Java code. (If you already knew what that was, lets skip the awkward silences and become immediate friends!)
I suppose that I should have made my first entry as an introduction, but as always is the case with me, I come up with  better idea than the original after I have completed the original idea. It's a quite complex statement.
Well, greetings; My name is Cliona and I'm about to embark on an adventure, so I created this blog.  I still am not entirely sure how to create a successful, or even a properly functioning blog, but I guess I'll end up with some wonderful mess.
Throughout the next year I will be doing many cool things and experiences "the real world" and I would really like to document this for Cliona of the future. That's the initial purpose of the blog. I have many plans and goals for the next year, such as going to concerts, getting a job, and even making my own computer science society at university (I hope to go to WWDC!), so we shall see how I progress with that. I always come up with these crazy dreams, I hope this time one may come true....
I'll keep you all posted!


  1. Lovin' the blog. I'll try to keep myself updated on how you're doing and what you think of Dublin. ;-)

    1. Thank you Ella! I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with it, but I know it will be a good way to pass the time. It's more for something I can look back on in the future, than for to "become a famous blogger" or anything! Nevertheless, thank you for your comment and I'll see you soon!
